Curriculum and Assessment Review

Resources for Young Voices

The expert team on the Curriculum and Assessment Review panel are collecting views from stakeholders to share their perspective on potential improvements to the current curriculum and assessment system. You can learn more about this here.

Finding My Voice have consulted with the panel to support a way to get as many young voices into the consultation as possible. The Finding My Voice team have subsequently created some resources to facilitate a short, whole class session focused on one of the questions within the document. 

This will enable young people’s viewpoints to be more widely considered and also provides an opportunity for our young people to play an active role in influencing central government policy and ‘Find their Voice’…

How to conduct the whole class session

  1. Open the Curriculum Review doc here
    Fill in the following sections: 
    Q1. Select ‘Responding as an individual’
    Q2. Select ‘A student, pupil or learner’
    Q6. Your name: Year group and Finding my Voice
    Q8. Respond as to whether you are happy to be contacted about responses (if so, you need to add details in box above)
  2. Skip through to Section 5: Curriculum and qualification content 
  3. Play this video for Primary
  4. Play this video for Secondary and post 16
  5. Collate views from young people and add their responses 
  6. Fill in Q25 for Primary, Q26 for Secondary or Q27 for post 16
  7. Click through to end of the form and press Submit

Closes Friday 22nd November 2024

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